Algonquin Trail/Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail
Location: Entry points between Division Street and Daniel Street

- The former Canadian Pacific rail bed has been transformed into a 296km corridor that runs from Smiths Falls to Mattawa with 218km of that cutting through Renfrew County, including the Town of Arnprior
- Ideal for walking, running, hiking, cycling, dog walking, orienteering, geocaching, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, dog sledding and horseback riding
- Operating an Off-Road Vehicle on or between May 15 and November 15 (vehicle must hold valid insurance and be properly licensed)
- Sections of the Algonquin Trail are leased on an annual basis to the local snowmobile clubs (permits required)
- Maximum speed limit is 50km/h on rural parts of the trail and 20km/h on urban parts of the trail. These speed limits are delineated by signage
- Non-motorized users have the right-of-way at all times
- Prohibited activities include hunting, camping, operating a dirt bike, motorcycle or motor vehicle
- Click here to visit the trail's website
Macnamara Nature Trail
Location: Access off of McNab Street

• Managed by the Macnamara Field Naturalists Club
• 4 kilometers of trail
• Ideal for flora, fauna, geology and history enthusiasts
• Trail Guide available at trailhead kiosk
• Prohibited activities include hunting, logging, harvesting wild plants, ATVing, snowmobiling, mountain biking, and bringing dogs onto the trail
• For more information, please visit the trail's website
The Gillies Grove (Nature Reserve) & Gillies Trail
Location: Access via Ottawa Street, Harrington Street or John Street North

Designated National Historic Site
- Owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada and managed with help from volunteers of the Land Preservation Society of the Ottawa Valley
- One of the oldest growth forests in Canada and one of the last old-growth forests in Ontario
- This 3.6km circular walk follows the route of one of the three Arnprior Millennium Trails (Gillies, McLachlin and Heritage) taking you through the Gillies Grove, through Robert Simpson Park and along the Madawaska River
- Ideal for flora, fauna and history enthusiasts
- The trail system consists of three main trails throughout the property; White Pine Loop, which passes through a section of old growth pine forest; Cross Grove Trail, the most direct route through Gillies Grove; and Hemlock Loop, which leads visitors to explore further into the grove. An additional access trail coming from Dan Street will also be maintained.
- A map of the trail system can be viewed here.
McLachlin Trail
Location: Access starting at Hydro Park

See both of the rivers that surround Arnprior along this trail. Start along the Madawaska River as your stroll through hydro park, then get a magnificent view of the confluence of the two rivers at Bell Park, then enjoy a view of the Ottawa river at McLean beach. If you are still up for more exploring enjoy the Macnamara Nature Trail.
Total distance for this trail is 3.7 km, with the Macnamara Nature Trail a further 4.5 km round trip.
Heritage Trail
Location: Access starting at the Arnprior and District Museum

Explore Arnprior's History on this informative walk through some of Arnprior's historic buildings. These buildings include:
Total distance for this trail is 2.9 km. Please note that not all buildings are open to the public.