Curbside Collection Time and Placement
- Recyclables must be placed at the curbside by 7:30 a.m. (or 9:30 am if in the Downtown core) on the day of collection.
- During winter months, please do not place blue boxes behind, on top, or in the side of snow banks.
- Recyclables must be sorted into the appropriate blue box (Week 1 – plastic, glass, and metal food and beverage containers or Week 2 - paper fibres / cardboard) in order for the contractor to collect the materials.
- The contractor will not collect mixed materials (i.e. Paper & Glass).
- Recyclables must be contained within an approved container, such as the blue boxes provided by the Town, or a container or cardboard box of similar size and shape.
- Garbage cans are not a suitable container for recyclables as it is assumed that they contain garbage.
Comingled Sorting (Plastic, Glass, and Metal Food and Beverage Containers)
- All containers must be clean and dry.
- All containers must be placed loosely in your recycling bin. Items in bags will not be collected.
- All plastic containers must be stamped with a plastic code 1 through 7

Food and Beverage Containers that are accepted in this recycling program include:
- Cartons (gable top) – milk & juice cartons and boxes (remove straws), tetra paks
- Aluminum – cans, foil, containers, clean pie plates (no foils fused with paper, wax, or plastic)
- Plastic – bottles, jugs, tubs, lids (stamped with plastic codes #1 – #7)
- Glass – clear glass bottles and jars.
- Broken glass is not accepted and is dangerous for waste collection staff.
- Houseware (cups and mugs) are not accepted for recycling in this program.
- To-go deli containers with clear tops and black bottoms that held food.
Styrofoam, plastic film (such as grocery bags), flower pots, and plastic gloves are not accepted in this recycling program.
Paper Fibres and Cardboard Sorting
- All items must be placed loosely in your blue bin. Alternately cardboard may be placed beside your blue box if flattened, stacked, and tied with biodegradable twine.
- Items in bags (with the exception of shredded paper in clear bags) will not be collected.
- All paper products must be clean and dry.
Food and Beverage Containers that are accepted in this recycling program include:
- Corrugated cardboard
- Boxboard – cereal, detergent, tissue boxes (remove plastic film), greeting cards (foil decorated cards not accepted)
- Paper – bags, cups, egg cartons, newspapers, flyers, envelopes, gift wrapping tissue paper, magazines, office paper, phone books, junk mail, books where hardcovers have been removed.
- Pizza Boxes: Remove the liner of pizza box (if used). If clean, place in your blue box to be recycled. If the bottom is dirty, tear apart the box and place the bottom in the garbage and clean top in the blue bin.
- Shredded paper must be placed in a clear plastic bag.
Sanitary paper products (such as facial tissue, paper towel, and masks), foil decorated gift wrap, and waxed cardboard are not accepted in this recycling program.
Items You Cannot Recycle
- All sanitary products
- Wood
- Hardcover novels
- Oil containers
- Drinking glasses
- Ceramics
- Window panes
- Mirrors
- Light bulbs
- Needles
- Plastic light covers
- Molded plastics
- Plastic film from cereal/cookie containers
- Chip bags
- Household hazardous waste (HHW)