Have you heard about Emerald Ash Borer?
Emerald Ash Borer, or EAB, is a non-native, highly destructive wood-boring beetle that feeds under the bark of ash trees. Emerald Ash Borer was confirmed in Arnprior in 2013. All species of ash are susceptible to attack, except mountain ash, which is not a true ash species. Since it was first identified in Michigan in 2002, EAB has killed millions of ash trees in Ontario and many parts of the United States. It poses a major economic and environmental threat to urban and forested areas. Since the insect spends most of its lifecycle under the bark of trees, it can be easily moved with firewood or other tree materials such as nursery stock, logs, brush and larger wood chips. This insect is able to fly, but since its spread has been primarily along major highways and transport routes, it is clear that humans are the main vector of dispersal.
EAB normally has a one-year life cycle, but some can take up to two years to mature. EAB lays eggs on tree bark and in bark crevices starting in late May.
In its larva form, which resembles a caterpillar, Emerald Ash Borer feeds just under the bark of ash trees. This feeding disrupts the tree's circulation of water and nutrients. The presence of even a few insects in a tree can kill it.
Top branches of ash trees usually die off first. A tree can lose half its branches in a single year. Once larvae finish feeding under the bark, they mature into adult beetles that chew their way out of the tree.
Trees that have become infected with EAB can die in as short a time as one-two years. Dead and dying trees pose a significant hazard to the public as they can be blown down in wind or ice storms and cause damage to power lines, cars and buildings. The Town will remove dead and dying trees from Public Property Only.
An Ash Tree Management Program for trees located on public property began in 2014 and continues to be implemented.
The EAB Management program being undertaken by the Town includes an annual tree survey each spring to assess the health of our urban forest. The survey will help to identify trees infested with EAB and help Town staff plan for tree removals when required. Each ash tree that will be removed will be replanted with a new young tree of a different species in its place.
How will I know if and when the tree in front of my property will be removed?
- Any trees scheduled for removal will be marked with an orange X at chest height.
- Home owners will be notified if a Town owned ash tree located in front of or near to their property is scheduled for removal.
Trees selected for replanting will be chosen from a list of native species that are appropriate for the replanting location, taking into consideration the following characteristics:
- Native Species
- Sun/Shade and water requirements
- Shade or wind benefits
- Maintenance (leaf drop, pruning)
- Life expectancy
- Soil Type
- Aesthetics
Depending on the time of year, replacement plantings may occur several months after the original ash tree removal. The Town will attempt to replace trees a soon as possible after removal; however weather conditions and tree stock availability may affect the timing of replanting.
- New trees do best when planted in the spring or fall. They do not do well when planted during the late spring and summer.
- Small trees are more likely to survive being re-planted; therefore the Town will generally not re-plant with a tree larger than 2 ½ inches. A vibrant small tree will grow much faster than a stressed medium or large sized tree.
If you have an Ash Tree on your property, the care and maintenance of that tree is the responsibility of the property owner. Dead and dying trees are hazardous and must be removed.
The Town Property Standards By-law – Section 2.1 Maintenance of Yards, states that “Yards shall be kept clean and free from dead, decayed or damaged trees or vegetation that create an unsafe or unsightly condition or that may cause damage.
Think you might have an Ash Tree on Your Property?
Ash tree characteristics
- Opposite branch and bud arrangement – branches and buds grow directly across from each other.
- Compound leaves – leaves are composed of 5 to 11 leaflets which may be smooth or toothed.
- Seeds in flat keys – ash tree seeds are dry and are contained in oar-shaped, flat keys that usually occur in clusters and hang on the tree until fall or early winter.
- Diamond-patterned bark – bark is tight with a distinct diamond-shaped pattern on mature trees, but grey and relatively smooth on young trees.
Still not sure if you have an Ash Tree on your property? Contact a licensed arborist for help identifying your trees and to help identify if EAB has infested your tree.
Signs that EAB has become well established in your tree
It is very difficult to identify EAB early in an infestation. It is only when the bug is well established in your tree that you will start to see visual signs, such as:
- The leaves in the top third of the ash begin to die back
- New, thin branches begin to grow from the low trunk or roots (also known as Epicormic shoots)
- There are white lines or canals under the bark
- The bark on the tree begins to split
- There are D-shaped exit holes in the bark formed by adult beetles exiting the tree
- There is increased woodpecker activity on the tree
Can the Tree on my Private Property be saved?
The best chance of saving an ash tree from EAB is to identify the infestation as early as possible and begin treatment. TreeAzin has been shown to be effective at protecting Ash Trees from EAB if treatment is started early. TreeAzinTM is reported to be a safe, systemic insecticide produced from extracts of Neem Tree seeds (Azadiracta indica). TreeAzinTM can be very effective at controlling EAB infestations but injections are required every two years and treatment does not ensure tree survival. TreeAzinTM must be administered by a licensed technician. The use of TreeAzin to manage EAB is restricted by the Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency from mid-May to August 31. For more information on TreeAzinTM, please visit the manufacturer's website here.
Keep in mind that once visual signs begin to appear on the outside of the tree (such as crown loss and D shaped holes in bark) it may not be possible to save your tree.
If you choose to treat your tree with TreeAzin™, you have the best chance of success if the treatment is started early, before the visual signs of tree death begin to show. Contact a licensed arborist for information on the options for treatment or removal.
If more than 30 per cent of your ash tree's upper branches are dying back, it is likely too infested to treat effectively. The tree will die within one to two years.
To protect your safety and property, please contact a certified arborist to safely remove the tree. Please get more than one quote to insure that you get a competitive price for the service. We encourage you to plant a new tree to replace the lost tree canopy. We also encourage you to re-plant with a variety of native species.