The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – Pembroke District is advising area residents that a Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety is in effect throughout the district until Friday, March 28, 2025.
Residents in Renfrew County / Pembroke District should consider the following:
Recent warm weather has resulted in the melting of the snowpack and lake ice. This combined with forecasted precipitation and continued warm temperatures, will likely result in an increase to water levels on lakes and rivers.
Residents in flood-prone areas are encouraged to closely follow changing conditions and to take necessary measures. Residents are advised to stay away from watercourses where flows are high and where banks might be unstable.
Lower-lying portions of known flood-prone areas may be impacted to various degrees as lake/river levels rise over the next week.
Please remember, no ice is safe ice. Ice conditions on local lakes may start to deteriorate with warmer temperatures and changing water levels and flows.
Residents and visitors should exercise caution while around waterbodies and maintain close supervision of children and pets.
MNRF also advises caution when using forest access roads for outdoor activities as they may become seasonally inundated with water, are prone to washouts and may become impassible due to localized flooding.
The ministry is closely monitoring the weather and developing watershed conditions. Further updates will be issued as appropriate.
Technical Information
Description of Weather System
This message is based on information received from MNRF’s Surface Water Monitoring Centre and Environment Canada.
Rainfall and warming temperatures that were experienced this weekend have resulted in a significant reduction in the snowpack across the county. Forecasted warm temperatures and rain have the potential to further reduce the snowpack and ice on lakes and rivers.
Water levels are within averages for this time of year, but rain and warm weather are expected to produce runoff and increase flows. Higher water levels are expected, and water may accumulate in low lying areas or areas of poor drainage.
Description of Current Conditions
The MNRF continues to closely monitor local lakes and rivers as this event progresses.
Lakes and Rivers in the area are still at or below seasonal levels. Lake levels and flows in creeks and rivers will slowly rise as a result of the warm weather and forecasted rains. No flood related issues are predicted at this time.
A close watch on local forecasts and conditions is recommended.
Learn More
Aaron Foss, Pembroke District Office, 613-291-3613
Pembroke Watershed Condition Statement - English
Pembroke Watershed Condition Statement - French
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