Whereas "Test Your Smoke Alarm Day" marks the first day of action to promote installing and testing working smoke alarms in every home in Ontario;
Whereas in 2022, there were 133 fire fatalities in the Province of Ontario, the largest number of fire-related deaths in 20 years;
Whereas a working smoke alarm has been legally required to be installed on every storey of a residence in Ontario since 2006;
Whereas this new initiative and awareness campaign is led by the Ontario Fire Marshall and supported by the Arnprior Fire Department;
Therefore I, Lisa McGee, Mayor, do hereby proclaim September 28th, 2023 as “Test Your Smoke Alarm Day” in the Town of Arnprior and urge all local residents to test the smoke alarms in their residence by pressing the test button, replacing the batteries and making sure that they are in good working order.
Lisa McGee, Mayor
Town of Arnprior
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