As you may be aware, there is currently a mail strike affecting postal services, which may result in delays in mail delivery. In light of this situation, we want to ensure all payment arrangements are handled in a timely and secure manner. To avoid any potential issues or disruptions during this period, we kindly request that alternative payment methods be considered. This could include Pre-Authorized Payment, Online Banking, or in person at Town Hall. These methods will help expedite the payment process and minimize any delays that may arise from the ongoing mail strike.
For more information on these payment methods please visit or contact us. For Water Billing please contact our Accounts Clerk at (613) 623-4231 ext. 1825 or For Property Tax Billing please contact Finance Specialist – Taxation and A/P at 613-623-4231 ext. 1824 or
The next due date for both Water and Wastewater, and Property Taxes is November 29th, 2024. Residents are still responsible for making their payments on time. Interest and penalty will still be applied on the 1st of December to any late payments. For any outstanding cheque previously mailed but not received by the Town of Arnprior, we ask that you have that payment stopped and an alternate payment method selected.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter during unforeseen circumstances like the current mail strike.
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