In The Matter of Section 45 of the Planning Act, 1990; and
In The Matter of an application for minor variance respect to the following:
Location of Property: 203 Harriet Street, Town of Arnprior
And take further notice that an application under the above file number will be heard by the Committee of Adjustment on the date, and at the time shown below:
Date: Wednesday October 20th, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Electronic Meeting Format via Zoom
Purpose of Application:
The application requests relief from:
Section 6.3.1.(b) Secondary Residential Units - The maximum floor area of the secondary residential unit shall not exceed 40% of the gross floor area of the main building containing the principal use, with the gross floor area not including the private garage or basement.
The applicants are requesting relief from the Zoning By-law to increase the maximum percentage to 48.7% of the gross floor area of the main building for a secondary residential unit.
Official Plan: Established Residential Area Zoning: Residential One (R1)
A Key Map showing the subject lands and a Site Plan illustrating the variance requested are attached.
Additional Information relating to the proposed minor variance is available for inspection during regular office hours. Please contact the Planning Department at or by calling 613-623-4231 ext. 1827 to set up an appointment.
Any person may make written representation in support of or in opposition to the proposal.
Please note this will be an electronic public hearing where there will be no physical in- person attendance due to COVID-19. There will be opportunities provided to provide input electronically. You are strongly encouraged to submit any comments, concerns or support of the application in writing, prior to the Public Hearing, so they can be considered by the Committee prior to a decision being made on the application.
Comments should be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer via email to and shall be provided to members of the Committee in advance of the meeting, if possible. Should you wish to participate in the Electronic Meeting, please contact and instructions will be provided to join the meeting either by computer or calling in, a few days in advance.
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed Minor Variance, does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before a decision is made, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect to the proposed Minor Variance, you must make written request to the below address.
Dated this 7th day of October, 2021.
Robin Paquette, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment Town of Arnprior, 105 Elgin Street West, Arnprior, Ontario K7S 0A8
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