Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 09:28 AM
Whereas Small Business Week has been recognized since 1981 as an opportunity to celebrate the small business owners who provide essential services, local jobs, and an invaluable touchpoint in our communities; and
Whereas the Business Development Bank of Canada organizes Small Business Week in Canada to pay tribute to Canadian entrepreneurs; and
Whereas this year’s theme is “Dare to do things differently: Power up your growth!”. This theme recognizes and celebrates the outstanding contribution of...
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 09:18 AM
Whereas the week of October 17-23, 2022 is Waste Reduction Week in Canada; and
Whereas Waste Reduction Week is a national environmental campaign that builds awareness around issues of sustainable and responsible consumption, encourages choice for more environmentally responsible products/services, and promotes actions that divert more waste from disposal and conserves natural resources; and
Whereas as a municipality we are committed to waste reduction, resource conservation, and community education...
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 09:15 AM
Whereas the week of October 17-23, 2022 will be celebrated in Ontario as Local Government Week; and
Whereas the municipal level of government performs the functions that significantly impact the day to day life of citizens throughout the world; and
Whereas the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) acknowledge and celebrate the significant role that...
Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 04:07 PM
Whereas Rett Syndrome is a rare neurodevelopment condition that affects mainly females (1 in 10,000 births) and is caused by a mutation in the X chromosome; and
Whereas individuals with Rett Syndrome will lose some if not most acquired skills including speech, and gross and fine motor skills. Some never develop the ability to walk or even talk; and
Whereas there is currently no cure but advancements in treatments and research provide thousands of people with hope; and
Whereas the Ontario Rett...
Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2022 04:59 PM
Whereas the Terry Fox Run is inspired by a dream as big as our country, which began in 1980 with Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope. The run is now entirely volunteer-driven, and grounded in traditions with events held annually around the world to foster research in the fight against cancer; and
Whereas it has become a tradition in Canada to gather friends and family to participate in a volunteer fundraiser to raise public awareness and financial support for cancer research; and
Whereas we recognize...
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